何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three & Four Supplement

There’s barely enough here to make a post, especially since there isn’t going to be a supplement for chapter five.

Chapter Three

玉冠: jade coronet of various styles




软榻: recliner



Chapter Four

玉如意: jade scepter


蝴蝶双飞翅步摇: butterfly in flight buyao



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7 thoughts on “何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three & Four Supplement”

    1. Sorry! I posted this and the actual chapter together so if people wanted to, they could see what things looked like as they read.

  1. When will u update the next chapter???
    Feel that i became stalker already..😅😅😅

  2. Thanks for the supplement chapters. Makes understanding so much better. Yes, another stalker here.

    1. Food is great. Most of the clothing that’s mentioned have also been preserved but they’re mostly for ceremonial dress. Some people have done revival clothing but I have no idea where to find it.

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